How Do We Build Relationships in a Digital Age?

When did we get addicted to our phones. To consuming information. To consuming other peoples lives. When did we start paying attention to how other people live more than how we live. We have a variety and quantity of who’s life we want to jump into. It’s pretty...

Walking Ahead of Shadows

Don’t think I honor all my agreements. I don’t but I’m working towards it and the goal is always to accomplish what I set out too. I think our shadows lie in the stuff we say were going to do but don’t do it. The action of not following through erodes our...
Be Brave Today

Be Brave Today

Bad habits build over time and can be hidden resistance to do something epic. For instance, it took me a good year to launch my podcast after I recorded my first interview. Before then I wasted a lot of time dreaming and drafting business plans for LoveHub whenever I...