Remember Who You Are

Remembrance!!! You know were “remembering” when the Catholic church speaks of “spreading love” and “kindness” for EVERYONE! GAY…STRAIGHT…PRO-LIFE….PRO-CHOICE!!! EVERYONE deserves and is WORTHY of LOVE even if seems...

A Gift from a Veteran

I connected with a veteran not to long ago at House of Brews who I just met that night. He shared his experience while being in service during post Hurricane Katrina. I told him I really appreciated his service he gave and I too wanted be of service to others. What I...

Who Attracts Me

What attracts me is someone who is artistic, loving, compassionate, giving, a go getter, confident, creative, sexy, hot, brilliant, strong, courageous, loyal, joyous, funny, healthy, supportive, family-oriented, spiritual, kind eyes, sunny smile, and a goddess...

If your scared, do it anyway!

Are you in a state of boredom?  Life not to exciting for you? When someone asks you “what have you been upto” do you say “same o same o”? At times I play it safe and answer with safety. I’m really cautious and careful even as I write this...

Power Comes From Love

WILL POWER is a very CONSCIOUS act and can be wielded in the moment. If your mind is steering you towards comfort and safety that’s a red flag to change your state of mind. Our habits and belief systems are so powerful that it can lead us towards a slow...