Bad habits build over time and can be hidden resistance to do something epic. For instance, it took me a good year to launch my podcast after I recorded my first interview. Before then I wasted a lot of time dreaming and drafting business plans for LoveHub whenever I was motivated. I wouldn’t take any real action or tell anyone so I could back out.

When we tell people things that were going to do, it makes it painful to tell them we didn’t do after all when they ask about it. One day I had the balls to let all my FB friends know I was starting a podcast and that I felt so much fear to take this on. You might think why would anyone reveal that they are afraid. Doesn’t that show weakness.

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort but you cannot have both.” — Brene Brown

I chose courage that night and for the next two months I recorded my first 6 episodes.

Releasing them was another courageous jump. We have these points in our life or entrepreneur journey where we must choose to be brave like Brene Brown says. If we don’t we will be stopped in our tracks.

Be brave today.